个人简历:左剑,阿德莱德大学建筑学与建筑环境学院,副教授,博士生导师,主管国际合作事务副经理,博士。澳大利亚联邦研究院基金项目(Australian Research Council)评审专家,英国皇家特许建造学会会员(ICIOB),中澳城镇可持续发展联合中心理事会理事(CAC_SUD),英国皇家特许建造学会澳大利亚-亚洲教育委员会委员。长期从事生态城镇、建筑业可持续发展以及可再生能源利用方面的研究,作为主研人参与了澳大利亚联邦研究院基金项目《Re-considering Sustainable Building and Design》、澳大利亚气候变化战略基金项目《A Framework for Adaptation of Australian Households to Heat Waves》等多项国家重点项目。 报告简介: Title: Renewable energy and sustainable urban development Abstract: There are significant opportunities and challenges in Australia in terms of sustainable community development, which is arguably due to the large number of urban renewal projects. Similarly, renewable energy development plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable urban development. This presentation reports the policies and current practices on renewable energy developments in South Australia. In particular, the challenges and future opportunities are highlighted. |